Biggest Mom2Mom Sale
Our next sale will be March 8, 2025! Registration is full! We have over 200 tables!
Join us at the Biggest Mom 2 Mom & Dads Too on
March 8, 2025 9am to 1pm!
Whether you are shopping or want to sell your items, this is the place to be! Shop over 200 tables!
Sales will be held at the High School/Middle School Building.
*Doors open promptly at 9am!
*Admission of donation at the door.
*Concessions available.
Landmark Academy Open House:
Take a guided tour if you are interested in enrolling in our free public K-12 school of choice!
Landmark Academy
Middle School/High School Building
4800 Lapeer Rd, Kimball, MI 48074

Vendor Contract & Information
Registration is now closed. Tables are $20 each and are provided. Rack space is $10 per each rack space, roughly a 4 foot space each. RACKS ARE NOT PROVIDED.
Please register early, as we always sell out quickly.
Mail payment to: Landmark Academy M2M, 4800 Lapeer Rd., Kimball, MI, 48074. Make sure you include the name of the person who the registration is under. Money orders should be made out to “Landmark Academy”. $25 charge for any NSF checks. Contact Annette Harnish if you need an alternate method of payment.
*If you are a direct-seller (Pampered Chef, Mary Kay, etc.) contact Annette Harnish at prior to submitting your application to avoid duplicates.
*Please ensure your clothing is clean
*Price all of your items or clearly indicate how much your items are.
*It is important to bring change, we will not be able to provide it.
*Landmark is not responsible for lost items, it is recommended that you cover your items Friday overnight.
*The person signing this agreement must remain at the table at all times, no children can operate your table.
*We will have Landmark staff and volunteers walking around to check if you need a restroom break, ect.
*We ask that you only have one additional person at your table.
*We will have an area for your big ticket items, please indicate how many you will be bringing.
*No items of violent nature, weapons, sexual, controlled substance, food or beverage allowed to be sold.
Setup Times
You may set up from 5PM to 8PM on Friday, March 7th, 2025.
If you are unable to set-up Friday, you can set up on Saturday morning, March 8th from 7:00am-9:00am.
We recommend you set up Friday night as vendors will have the opportunity to shop on Saturday morning from 8:15am-8:50am
Doors will open promptly at 9:00am on Saturday morning.
You can fill out the electronic registration form below and mail your registration fee to:
Landmark Academy
c/o Annette Harnish
4800 Lapeer Rd.
Kimball, MI 48074
Please contact Annette Harnish if you have any questions
Annette Harnish
(810) 982-7210 ext 3311