Currently Enrolling!
Landmark Academy Student
Enrollment Information
Landmark Academy is the BEST choice because…
Landmark Academy provides a safe and nurturing learning environment that promotes individual giftedness and talents in all of our students. Every teacher receives training to meet individual student learning styles, which facilitates an environment where all students can succeed. Landmark Academy believes in setting high standards for our students and has developed learning targets/objectives based on the current State adopted standards. Teachers also use 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to incorporate character education into the classroom. We believe this instruction promotes productive citizens and life-long learners.
For more enrollment information please contact our Registrar, Annette Harnish, by email at harnisha@landmarkacademy.net or by phone at 810-982-7210 ext. 3311.

Any questions or concerns please contact harnisha@landmarkacademy.net
Open Enrollment
Families can apply anytime throughout the school year but the formal Open Enrollment Process runs during a set period of time in March.
The open enrollment period is intended to fill seats that are available after returning students, siblings, and students of Landmark staff have been placed. This opportunity is advertised in the local newspaper and on the Landmark website noting that Landmark is accepting applications during this time. Applications are received through Online Enrollment. Go to the home page of this website and select “ENROLL NOW” to submit an application for a new student. Applications are time stamped when the application is submitted to the district online.
Applications received after the open enrollment period are time stamped and placed in order
of receipt online. These students will be placed in available seats or on the waiting list (first
come first served) after the lottery has taken place.
The placement lottery will be held on a set date TBD in April.
Enrollment Lottery
If there are more open enrollment applicants than there are seats available in a grade, then the lottery is used to determine placement in each of those grades. Information (name, grade, siblings, and sibling grades) is recorded on cards from applications received during the open period. The cards are placed in a drawing by grade. Beginning with the highest grade, names are drawn from a “hat” in succession until all names have been selected for that grade. First, all open seats in the class are assigned. Once those have been filled, the names drawn afterward will be placed in succession on the waiting list for that grade. When a student is selected for a seat, their sibling(s) is/are automatically placed in the first available seat for their respective grade(s). If a seat is not available for a sibling, then the sibling is placed at the top of the waiting list for that grade. The lottery process continues for each grade until all applicants have either been assigned an available seat or they have been placed on a waiting list. Waiting lists for the upcoming school year are maintained and updated through January of the upcoming school year.
Enrollment shall be open to all pupils who reside in this state who meet the admission policy.
The Academy shall allow any pupil who was enrolled in the Academy in the immediately preceding school year to enroll in the Academy unless the appropriate grades are not offered.
No student may be denied participation in the application process due to a lack of student records.
If the Academy receives more applications for enrollment through an enrollment lottery, as described above.
Re-enrolling Students
The Academy shall notify parents or guardians of all enrolled students of the deadline for notifying the Academy that they wish to re-enroll their child. Re-enrolling currently enrolled students is not needed.
If the Academy Board has a sibling preference policy the Academy shall notify parents or guardians of all enrolled students of the deadline for notifying the Academy that they wish to re-enroll their child.
If the Academy Board has a sibling preference policy, the re-enrollment notice must also request that the parent or guardian indicate whether a sibling(s) seeks to enroll for the upcoming academic year.
An applicant on the waiting list at the time a new application period begins must reapply as a new student.
After collecting the parent or guardian responses, the Academy must determine the following:
1. The number of students who have re-enrolled per grade or grouping level.
2. The number of siblings seeking admission for the upcoming academic year per grade.
3. If space is unavailable, the Academy must develop a waiting list for siblings of reenrolled students.
4. The number of spaces remaining, per grade, after enrollment of current students and siblings.